A Visual Travel To Traditions
Comenius multilateral partnership project
Our aim is to use photos which are collected from grandparents and describe how the traditions were experienced in the past and how they are being lived in our modern life. It will show the comparison of the past and present traditions via photographs. The participants will learn the positive and negative effects of modern life on culture and traditions by taking part in a living tradition ceremony. Our main objective is to develop a tradition awareness among the pupils of the participating schools .We also intend to improve the pupils’ creativity by their active involvement in the proposed activities and the consequent development of their self-confidence and personal skills. Pupils with special educational needs, with disabilities or in adverse social or economic situations shall also benefit from the project activities.
Partners will regularly share their work through the e-mail and our specially built website, which will display photos, videos, web pages, a tradition corner with articles and photos so as to enable the students to show their skills and gain self-confidence.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.